Samsung Fridge Filter [SGF-DSA21]

SKU: SGF-DSA21 Category:

This product is no longer available.


Replacement for+
DA29-00012A, DA29-00012B.
Samsung® RM255 Series refrigerators.
Samsung® QuatroCooling Convertible refrigerators.

Before use flush filter for approx 3 minutes into a bucket and discard the water

Maximum operating temperature ..............38°C/100°F
Minimum operating temperature................ 0.6°C/33°F
Maximum working pressure................. 689 kPa/100 psi
Mininimum working pressure.................140 kPa/20 psi
Rated capacity*...........................1,325 litres/350 gallons
Flow rate*.................................................. 1.9 lpm/0.5 gpm

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Estimated Impurity Reduction Levels

Lead Reduction* 95%

Cysts Reduction* 99%

Chlorine Taste & Odor Reduction* 95%

Turbidity Reduction* 95%

Asbestos Reduction* 95%

Atrazine Reduction* 95%

Alachlor Reduction* 95%

Lindane Reduction* 95%

2,4-D Reduction* 95%

Mercury Reduction* 95%

Toxaphene Reduction* 95%

P-Dichlorobenzene Reduction* 95%

Benzene Reduction* 95%

*Tested by an independent laboratory for performance specifications.

Additional Information

  • This filter keeps a healthy level of fluoride, a water additive that promotes strong teeth. Applies to fluoridated municipal tap water.

  • Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the system.

  • The substances removed or reduced by this water treatment device are not necessarily in all users’ water.

  • Replacement interval:

    For best results and to maintain maximum protection, replace the cartridges regularly every 3-6months, depending on the condition of the water supplied.
